I am making this
Pumpkin Cranberry Breadhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif for my MOPS meeting tomorrow morning. I made a loaf and then muffins for my daughter and husband with the left overs. There are only 8 women in my group. I really love the bread however the next time I make it I am either going to try dried cranberries or none at all. I used defrosted frozen ones and they where really tart and I didn't care for that part however the pumpkin part was amazing.

So filling mini muffins is kinda tricky so put a ziploc in a cup to hold the bag for me and poured the batter in.

Then cut a small corner and use like a pastry bag
I am soooo using your trick the next time a make mini muffins. I am so messy, that anything is sure to help, LOL!
I am the same way LOL