Monday, October 25, 2010

Muffin tin Monday: Halloween theme

This weeks muffin tin Monday was by far the most fun to plan and create! We have monster googly eyes cup, grapes with cran~raisins eyes, witch fingers with blood red finger nails, a mini cupcake, mummy pizza, hard boiled egg eye with black olive(I don't know why the yellow is white in picture), applesauce with a bat and bones and Halloween shaped cheese around the ghost shaped muffin tin. I usually have H help me make the tin and make it a fun experience but, I have a really busy day tomorrow so I made the tin ahead of time so we could get to it fast. I can't wait to show her.

Muffin Tin Mom


  1. The whole meal looks awesome. The mummy pizza would have been JDaniel's favorite. He is so into pizza right now.

  2. Great tin! I am loving that Mummy pizza!

  3. That mummy pizza steals the show. Great job!

  4. What a great tin! Your mummy pizza looks great and the googly eyes on the cup are a great idea. I really love this tin!

  5. I love it! Great MTM!
    The mummy pizza really is great. I bought some English Muffins to do the same this week. :)

  6. wow thanks everyone! I have a really awesome book of Halloween ideas and have been looking at it for weeks I had so much fun with this one. Pizza is H's favorite too. So we try to make it as healthy as possible.

  7. Oh I gave her the cup with eyes for breakfast and she LOVED it!!

  8. Very cute tin! The mummy pizza is awesome! Great job!

  9. What a fun tin, it all looks so yummy!
