Sunday, October 3, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday: Circus

This week the theme of Muffin Tin Monday is Circus! We did hot dogs, popcorn, circus cookies, apples sauce with red and white big top sprinkles,and grapes.

Muffin Tin Mom


  1. I love all the circus food. I remember eating hot dogs at the circus when I was little.

  2. Looks great and I love the old fashion style popcorn box!

  3. My girls had hot dogs and popcorn as well. This looks like a great tin!

  4. thanks everyone! @ Mommyof2girlz I got it at Hobby Lobby in the party section. I couldn't resist it. She loved the idea of popcorn for dinner she usually only gets it every once in a while at movies.
