I have been showing H how to recycle around the house and turn thing from old to new. My husband is going to visit his nephews soon and we wanted to surprise them to let them know he is coming. I got an empty water bottle and cut a hole in it 3 sides of a rectangle to make a flap. Then filled it with little toys: bouncy balls, stickers, sticky hands, ect. My husband wrote a note to the boys and I filled it with curling string to sorta hide the things inside to make it a mystery. After you finish filling the bottle put the mailing label on top of the hole and tape all the way around the bottle. write on bottle to remove address label to get into bottle. What little one would not like to get a surprise like this in the mail.
I filled the bottle with a lot more curly ribbon than in the picture
This looks like it would be great for a car trip.