Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Today I had H make a drawing of a turkey by looking at a picture I had and this is what she came up with I think it is pretty awesome for 2 1/2 years old. I was super impressed. I also surprised her with a special play dough theme of turkeys today. She was super excited and made several different kinds of turkeys.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Peanut butter sandwich cookies

These are amazing!!! I learning the recipe from a cousin about 5 years ago and have to make them seasonally every year. It is so easy but a little time consuming. Only problem is that once you start to eat them you can't stop!!
Almond Bark chocolate flavored coating
Box of Ritz crackers
Peanut butter
Wax paper
You make little sandwiches with the Ritz and peanut butter. then you melt the chocolate for dipping. I melt it in a glass bread loaf pan in the microwave. You start it off for 90 seconds stir the chocolate and then continue for 30 seconds at a time till is melted. Then you roll the Ritz in the chocolate and place on wax paper to cool.

Muffin Tin Monday: Thanksgiving theme

This weeks theme was Thanksgiving We had dried cranberries, carrot sticks, green beans, Turkey sandwiches with peanut butter half wheat thin nose, piece of a twizzler, yellow M&Ms and the feathers has fruity pebbles, craisins, and cheerios, and mac ans cheese. I got the idea for the turkey from here. There are such amazing ideas.
Muffin Tin Mom

Sunday, November 21, 2010

November words

I made a list of words that are associated with November so H could see them as we talked about the words through out the month. This helps with the start of word recognition and promotes letter writing.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

What we are thankful for

I did the classic "what are you thankful for?" with H. She had some really sweet answers and some funny ones. I made several leaves for each of us and put it up using fishing line from doorway in front part of house. Some of H's answers: daddy staying home with me all day, zoo, children's museum, mommy and daddy, Nana and paw paw, friend Kiera, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, writing my name, and yogurt smoothies lol.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wordless Wednesday Tutu Model

Modeling tutu for my business Hailey's Butterfly Garden

Monday, November 8, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday

there was no theme for muffin tin Monday today. We had carrot sticks, tomatoes and hummus, mini pickles, trail mix with chex, goldfish, craisinis, and chocolate chips, broccoli, lasagna, and bread sticks with milk.
Muffin Tin Mom

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Here is a picture of H in her ladybug costume I made her and the trick or treat bag I made her (it doesn't match the costume but it is for many years so it is just Halloween themed. I got the idea for the bag here)

Hailey wrote her name

First time H has wrote her whole name! I was so impressed. She looked at her name card I made her and copied it.

Ghost shaving cream art

OK I am trying to catch up my daughter was sick and then my friend had a baby and I kept her other 2 children while she was in the hospital so I have not had time to post this. I did find this project on someone elses blog and don't remember who's it was so if it was yours please let me know so I can give you credit for it. H had so much fun doing this I often let her play with shaving cream as a sensory project she loves it so when I saw this cute ghost I knew I had to try it. It is 3 parts shaving cream 1 part glue I cut out the ghost and provided H with the ingredients and let her go when she was done exploring I let her chose where the eyes go to my surprise she put them on perfect and then we added glitter.